Our History

Founding of Mambo Commodities
Founding of Mambo Commodities for the trading of African cotton. The activity soon extended to new locations (Greece, Central Asia, Latin America, etc.) and new products with the trading of oleaginous products.

Founding of Mambo Suisse
Founding of Mambo Suisse in order to support the West African agricultural sector and its development.

Founding of CIPAM
Founding of CIPAM at Bobbo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) and installation of the first fertiliser blending plant, with a view to supply farmers with NPK fertilisers, upon request.

Founding of CORI
Creation of CORI, a complete processing plant fo the recycling and recovery of cotton waste for exportation to other locations.

Founding of KERI
Founding of KERI at Mali (fertilizer and sesame seeds)

Founding of CIAT
Founding of CIAT at Togo (fertilizer)

Founding of CIAB
Founding of CIAB at Benin (fertilizer)

Mambo celebrates his 20 years
Mambo celebrates his 20 years.
Founding of CIACI in Ivory Coast (fertilizer).

Founding of CIAT
Launching of a new fertilizer blending plant CIAT, located in free trade zone at Lomé (Togo)